On-Call Engineering Support
- Client: Baltimore County
- Prime Consultant: Louis Berger
About this Project
Urban GIS provides GIS management services to Baltimore County, specifically related to their sanitary sewer assets to comply with EPA and MDE Consent Decree. With the aim of improving efficiency in the regular workflow, we developed several automated tools that streamline work order and invoice creation as well as database management of their enterprise GIS systems. We also provide support and mapping related to environmental health services.
Several automated tools and processes were custom built for the Baltimore County Public Works department. Esri Model Builder and Python scripts were leveraged for the creation of efficient and effective processing of County data and reports. Through ArcGIS Online, web maps and customized web applications were created for County staff and contractors to use in both the office and the field to create, assign, track, and execute work orders. This worked in tandem with existing asset management workflows.
Through the expertise of both our developers and technicians, Baltimore County receives support on database administration and management. Our team provides valuable help by creating custom maps, tools, analysis and dashboards that are utilized by County employees and contractors.