PCI Inspection & Linear Segmentation Implementation
Prime Consultant: Urban GIS, Inc.
About this Project
Together with our partners Dynatest and Gorrondna & Associates, utilizing both driven vehicles and foot surveys, our team collected Pavement Condition Index (PCI) information for the various pavement types on the installations. That information was utilized in PAVER and integrated into GIS databases that were relied upon to create complex linear segmentation map books and tables. Additionally, that information was used to determine pavement restoration and sustainment opportunities that were communicated in reports to the client.
Unlike other road assets, pavement is not easily inventoried because factors such as traffic, material, weathering and preventative management practices affect its condition. The pavement survey, testing, and analysis, in tandem with the reports, exhibits and geodatabases that were created, will serve as a foundation for future pavement studies by the U.S. Department of the Navy. These studies will be used by them to make spatially-enabled decisions on the pavement management practices of their roadways and parking lots.