Airport GIS & Gap Analysis
- Client: Salt Lake City Dept. of Airports
- Prime Consultant: Woolpert
About this Project
The Salt Lake City Department of Airports tasked Woolpert with completing a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandated Airport GIS Survey. Urban GIS supported this work by conducting a thorough review and gap analysis of Salt Lake City Airport’s existing GIS data.
Our evaluation included an analysis of each applicable airport feature group and class to determine the extent of compliance with specifications outlined in AC-150/5300-18B of the specifications for the collection of airport data for the FAA Airport Surveying – GIS Program. While assessing the data, we considered geometry type, data capture rules, attribute data type, and description — with a strong emphasis on determining schema accuracy and compliance with domain table rules.
Urban GIS also evaluated the spatial positioning and accuracy of the data, relying on both visual inspections and migration tools that control for topology errors. Finally, we completed a second review of the data after Woolpert completed its field data collection and development efforts. This second review reflected corrections, elaborations, and all new data. Our gap analysis was an essential step in finalizing the Salt Lake City Department of Airport’s submittal to the FAA Airport GIS Portal.