Telecommunication Equipment Utilization – Asset Management
- Client: ComEd
- Prime Consultant:HBK Engineering, LLC
About this Project
Urban GIS processed inspection reports so that simple designs for execution (one-line drawing) could be drawn with AutoCAD. These one-line drawings and supporting documents were provided to construction crews and later archived. AutoCAD was also used to create simple property drawings for permit requests. On the task of construction planning, our team reviewed past inspection reports and identified targets to remove and replace underground lead cables or damaged joints. To streamline information gathering, we used Google Earth/Google Maps to create KMZs for use by field crews prior to their surveys of ComEd assets. Results of the surveys were transcribed and filed. In addition to those services, we delivered a file folder containing AutoCAD designs, permits, material request, and supporting technical drawings.
For each of the key projects (Mainline Cable replacement, Third-Party Attachments, Relay and Repeater Radios), improved workflows allowed the client to plan and reach their goals with noteworthy efficiency.