Emergency Response Mapping
Client: General Mitchell International Airport
- Prime Consultant: AECOM
About this Project
Emergency preparedness is a major airport initiative for growing airports such as General Mitchell International Airport (GMIA). To maximize the understanding of current fire safety systems and emergency response assets within GMIA, we built a detailed and comprehensive database mapping these assets. This database construction required an extensive internal and external field inventory of the systems’ attributes. Our team utilized mobile field mapping tools to gather new data in GIS format and converged existing data in other formats to create a cohesive fire safety and emergency response utility spatial database.
Our data integration of legacy CAD files, GIS data, and data collected in the field provides GMIA with a comprehensive understanding of their fire systems, emergency preparedness systems, and assets in place. This has opened up opportunities to examine any gaps or inefficiencies in the system, simplify condition and inspection analysis, and identify assets’ relative proximities to additional airport resources.

The integrated database developed by our team brought fire safety systems and emergency response asset data to one central repository, providing an easily accessible solution that not only saves time for GMIA but also enhances the asset management capabilities necessary for quick and efficient responses to fire or emergency situations.