General Mitchell International Airport GIS
- Client: General Mitchell International Airport
- Prime Consultant: Mead & Hunt
About this Project
Urban GIS was tasked with combining existing pavement panel and utility GIS data to the new AGIS guidelines. A second task was the attribution of non-photo-identifiable attributes in the AGIS data (airfield, man-made structures, and surface transportation features as assigned). In addition, we collected and incorporated outside data sources, such as parcels, zoning, land use, municipal, county and state boundaries, and environmental data into the final deliverable.
We leveraged a number of technologies to collect, convert, and validate data. ArcGIS Online was utilized to capture data in the field on a tablet PC. Several custom scripts were developed to reduce the time, effort, and errors associated with edge-matching thousands of pavement features. These, and other innovations, were implemented to ensure that the highest quality deliverables were provided.
The airport database developed by our team allows General Mitchell International Airport’s records to meet new Federal Aviation Administration standards. These standards are required through the Airports Surveying-GIS program. They will bring the airport into compliance for the Next Generation National Airspace System initiative (NextGen). NextGen will enable a shift to “smarter, satellite-based and digital technologies, and new procedures that combine to make air travel more convenient, predictable and environmentally friendly.”